Publications (presented per year):
Year 2007
Bertoldi, R. Zens, M. Federico: "Speech Translation by Confusion
Network Decoding". To appear in Proceedings of the International
Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP),
Honolulu, Hawaii, April 2007.
Bonneau-Maynard, A. Allauzen, D. Dechelotte and H. Schwenk, Combining
Morphosyntactic Enriched Representation with n-best Reranking
in Statistical Translation, Syntax and Structure in Statistical
Translation (SSST) NAACL-HLT AMTA Workshop, Rochester, New York,
26 April 2007.
Cattoni, N. Bertoldi, M. Federico, "Punctuating Confusion
Networks for Speech Translation". Submitted to Interspeech
B. Chen, M. Federico, M. Cettolo, "Better N-best Translations
through Generative n-gram Language Models". Submitted to
Machine Translation Summit, 2007.
Costa-jussà, J.M. Crego, D. Vilar, J.A.R. Fonollosa, J.B.
Mariño, H. Ney, "Analysis and System Combination of
Phrase- and N-gram-based Statistical Machine Translation Systems".
To appear in Proceedings of the Human Language Technology Conference
of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational
Linguistics (HLT-NAACL), Rochester, NY, April 2007.
M. Crego, J. B. Mariño, "Improving SMT by coupling
reordering and decoding"Accepted for publication in "Machine
Translation", Springer.
Dechelotte, H. Schwenk and G. Adda and J.L. Gauvain, Translating
Speech, not Text, submitted to Interspeech 2007.
Falavigna, N. Bertoldi, F. Brugnara, R. Cattoni, M. Cettolo, B.Chen,
M. Federico, D. Giuliani, R. Gretter, D. Gupta, D. Seppi, "The
IRST English-Spanish Translation System for European Parliament
Speeches", submitted to InterSpeech, Antwerp, Belgium, August
Federico and M.Cettolo, "Efficient Handling of N -gram Language
Models for Statistical Machine Translation". Submitted to
ACL Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation, 2007.
D. Giuliani, F, Brugnara, "Exploiting Multiple Supervisions
for Acoustic Model Adaptation", submitted to InterSpeech,
Antwerp, Belgium, August 2007.
C. Fügen and M. Kolss. The Influence of Utterance Chunking
on Machine Translation Performance. Interspeech 2007, Antwerp,
Belgium, August 2007 pdf.
Gupta, M. Federico, M. Cettolo, "POS-based Reordering Models
for Statistical Machine Translation". Submitted to Machine
Translation Summit, 2007.
Hoffmeister, D. Hillard, S. Hahn, R. Schlueter, M. Ostendorf and
H. Ney: Cross-Site and Intra-Site ASR System Combination: "Comparisons
on Lattice and 1-Best Methods," Proc. International Conference
on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP), Honolulu,
Hawaii, April 2007, accepted for publication.
Jennequin and J.-L. Gauvain, "Modeling Duration via Lattice
Rescoring", ICASSP 2007, Honolulu, HI.
Lambert, R.E. Banchs, J.M. Crego, "Discriminative Alignment
Training without Annotated Data for Machine Translation".
To appear in Proceedings of the Human Language Technology Conference
of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational
Linguistics (HLT-NAACL), Rochester, NY, April 2007.
Lamel, J.-L. Gauvain, G. Adda, C. Barras, E. Bilinski, O.Galibert,
A. Pujol, H. Schwenk, X. Zhu, "The Limsi 2006 Tc-Star Epps
Transcription Systems" ICASSP 2007, Honolulu, HI.
Paulik, K. Rottmann, J. Niehues, S. Hildebrand and S. Vogel. The
ISL Phrase-Based MT System for the 2007 ACL Workshop on Statistical
Machine Translation . ACL Workshop on Statistical Machine
Translation, Prague, Czech Republic, June 2007 pdf.
Paulik, S. Stüker, C. Fügen, T. Schultz, A.Waibel. Translating
language with technology's help. IEEE Potentials Magazine, May/June
2007, Vol. 26, No.3 pdf.
Popa, J. Tian and J. Nurminen, Effective Scheme for Noise Removal
in Voice Conversion, submitted to European Conference on Speech
Communication and Technology (INTERSPEECH 2007-Eurospeech), Antwerp,
Belgium, 2007.
Schlueter, I. Bezrukov, H. Wagner and H. Ney: "Gammatone
Features and Feature Combination for Large Vocabulary Speech Recognition,"
Proc. International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal
Processing (ICASSP), Honolulu, Hawaii, April 2007, accepted for
Stüker, M. Paulik, M. Kolss, C. Fügen, and A. Waibel
Speech Translation Enhanced ASR for European Parliament Speeches
- on the Influence of ASR Performance on Speech Translation to
appear in Proc. of the International Conference on Acoustics,
Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP), April 2007, Honolulu,
Schwenk, Continuous Space Language Models Computer Speech and
Language, to appear July 2007.
Schwenk, D. Dechelotte, H. Bonneau-Maynard, A. Allauzen, Modeles
statistiques enrichis par la syntaxe pour la traduction automatique
TALN, June 2007.
Tian, J. Nurminen and I. Kiss, Novel Eigen-pitch Based Prosody
Model For Text-to-Speech Synthesis, submitted to European Conference
on Speech Communication and Technology (INTERSPEECH 2007-Eurospeech),
Antwerp, Belgium, 2007.
I., Adda-Decker, M., A cross-language study of acoustic and prosodic
characteristics of vocalic hesitations, In: NATO Security Thourgh
Science Program, "The Fundamentals of Verbal and Non-verbal
Communication and the Biometrical Issue", IOS Press BV, to
appear, 2007.
I., Adda-Decker, M., Nemoto, R., "Vocalic hesitations vs.
vocalic systems: a cross-language comparison", submitted
to ICPhS 2007.
A. Venugopal and A.Zollmann and N.Smith and S.Vogel. Wider
Pipelines: N-Best Alignments and Parses in MT Training.
Technical Report, 2007 pdf.
A. Venugopal, A. Zollmann and S. Vogel. An Efficient Two-Pass
Approach to Synchronous-CFG Driven Statistical MT .
In/ //Proc. of the Human Language Technology and North American
Association for Computational Linguistics Conference (HLT/NAACL)//,
/Rochester, NY. April 2007 pdf.
Zens, H. Ney: "Efficient Phrase-table Representation for
Machine Translation with Applications to Online MT and Speech
Translation". To appear in Proceedings of the Human Language
Technology Conference of the North American Chapter of the Association
for Computational Linguistics (HLT-NAACL), Rochester, NY, April
Zollmann, A. Venugopal, M. Paulik and S. Vogel . The Syntax
Augmented MT (SAMT) System at the Shared Task for the 2007 ACL
Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation . ACL Workshop
on Statistical Machine ranslation, Prague, Czech Republic, June
2007 pdf.
Year 2006
Tian, J. Nurminen and V. Popa, “Efficient Gaussian Mixture
Model Evaluation in Voice Conversion”. in Proceedings of
International Conference on Spoken Language Processing, Pittsburgh,
USA, Sept. 2006 (.pdf).
Nurminen, J. Tian and V. Popa, “Novel Method for Data Clustering
and Mode Selection with Application in Voice Conversion”.
in Proceedings of International Conference on Spoken Language
Processing, Pittsburgh, USA, Sept. 2006 (.pdf).
Kiss, J. Leppanen and S. Sivadas, “Nokia’s System
for TC-STAR EPPS English ASR Evaluation Task”. in Proceedings
of TC-STAR Speech-to-Speech Translation Workshop, Barcelona, Spain,
June 2006 (.pdf)
Tian, J. Nurminen, D. Feng and I. Kiss, “Modular design
for Mandarin text-to-speech synthesis”. in Proceedings of
TC-STAR Speech-to-Speech Translation Workshop, Barcelona, Spain,
June 2006 (.pdf)
Nurminen, V. Popa, J. Tian, Y. Tang and I. Kiss, “A parametric
approach for voice conversion”. in Proceedings of TC-STAR
Speech-to-Speech Translation Workshop, Barcelona, Spain, June
2006 (.pdf)
Tian, J. Nurminen and I. Kiss, “Modular Text-to-Speech Synthesis
Evaluation for Mandarin Chinese”, in Proceedings of International
Symposium on Chinese Spoken Language Processing, Singapore, Dec.
2006 (.pdf)
Vilar, M. Popovic and Hermann Ney: AER: 'Do we need to "improve"
our alignments?'. In Proceedings of the International Workshop
on Spoken Language Translation, pp. 205-212, Kyoto, Japan, November
2006 (.pdf).
Matusov, A. Mauser, H. Ney: "Automatic Sentence Segmentation
and Punctuation Prediction for Spoken Language Translation".
In Proceedings of the International Workshop on Spoken Language
Translation, pp. 158-165, Kyoto, Japan, November 2006 (.pdf).
Mauser, R. Zens, E. Matusov, S. Hasan, H. Ney: "The RWTH
Statistical Machine Translation System for the IWSLT 2006 Evaluation".
In Proceedings of the International Workshop on Spoken Language
Translation, pp. 103-110, Kyoto, Japan, November 2006 (.pdf)
Chen, M. Cettolo, M. Federico, "Reordering Rules for Phrase-based
Statistical Machine Translation". In International
Workshop on Spoken Language Translation Evaluation Campaign on
Spoken Language Translation, IWSLT-2006.
November, 2006. Kyoto, Japan (.pdf).
B. Chen, R. Cattoni, N. Bertoldi, M. Cettolo, M. Federico, "The
ITC-irst SMT System for IWSLT-2006". In International
Workshop on Spoken Language Translation Evaluation Campaign on
Spoken Language Translation: IWSLT-2006.
November, 2006. Kyoto, Japan (.pdf).
H. Schwenk, D. Dechelotte and J.L. Gauvain, "Continuous space
language models for statistical machine translation". In
Proceedings of COLING/ACL, pp 723-730, Sydney, Australia, July
2006 (.pdf).
and J.A.R. Fonollosa, "Language modeling for verbatim translation
task”. In proceedings of the 4th Workshop on Speech Technology
(IV Jornadas en Tecnología del Habla), pages - to appear,
Zaragoza, Spain, November 2006 (.pdf).
Lambert, J. Giménez, M.R. Costa-jussà, E. Amigó,
R.E. Banchs, L.Máquez, J.A.R. Fonollosa, "Machine
Translation System Development based on Human Likeness".
In Proceedings of the IEEE/ACL Workshop on Spoken Language Technology
(SLT), 2006 (.pdf).
Lambert, R.E. Banchs, "Tuning Machine Translation Parameters
with SPSA". In Proceedings of the International Workshop
on Spoken Language Translation (IWSLT), 2006 (.pdf).
Costa-jussà, J.M. Crego, A. de Gispert, P. Lambert, M.
Khalilov, J.A.R. Fonollosa, J.B. Mariño, R.E. Banchs, "TALP
Phrase-Based System and TALP System Combination for IWSLT 2006",
in Proceedings of the International Workshop on Spoken Language
Translation (IWSLT), 2006 (.pdf).
Crego, A. de Gispert, P. Lambert, M. Khalilov, M.R. Costa-jussà,
J.B. Mariño, R.E. Banchs, J.A.R. Fonollosa, "The TALP
Ngram-based SMT System for IWSLT 2006", in Proceedings of
the International Workshop on Spoken Language Translation (IWSLT),
2006 (.pdf).
Popovic, D. Stein and H. Ney: "Statistical Machine Translation
of German Compound Words". In FinTAL - 5th International
Conference on Natural Language Processing, Springer Verlag, LNCS,
Turku, Finland, pp. 616-624, August 2006 (.pdf).
Lööf, M. Bisani, Ch. Gollan, G. Heigold, B. Hoffmeister,
Ch. Plahl, R. Schlüter, and H. Ney, "The 2006 RWTH Parliamentary
Speeches Transcription System," in Proc. Int. Conf. on Spoken
Language Processing, Pittsburgh, PA, USA, Sept. 2006, pp. 105-108
Schlüter, A. Zolnay, H. Ney: "Feature Combination using
Linear Discriminant Analysis and its Pitfalls," in Proc.
International Conference on Spoken Language Processing (Interspeech),
pp. 345-348, Pittsburgh, PA, Sept. 2006 (.pdf).
Hoffmeister, T. Klein, R. Schlüter, H. Ney: "Frame Based
System Combination and a Comparison with Weighted ROVER and CNC,"
in Proc. International Conference on Spoken Language Processing
(Interspeech), pp.537-540, Pittsburgh, PA, Sept. 2006 (.pdf)
Giron, "Correlation analysis for the derivation of speech
recognition features based on an auditory model". In Proceedings
of the TC-STAR Workshop on Speech-to-Speech Translation. June
1921, 2006 Barcelona, Spain, (.pdf).
Mostefa, O. Hamon, K. Choukri, "Evaluation of Automatic Speech
Recognition and Speech Language Translation within TC-STAR: Results
from the first evaluation campaign". In Proceedings of the
Language Resources and Evaluation Conference LREC06, Geno, Italy,
May 2006 (.pdf).
van den Heuvel, K. Choukri, C. Gollan, A. Moreno, D. Mostefa,
"TC-STAR: New language resources for ASR and SST purposes".
In Proceedings of the Language Resources and Evaluation Conference
LREC06, Geno,. Italy, May 2006 (.pdf).
van den Heuvel, E. Sanders, "Validation of language resources
in TC-STAR". In Proceedings of the TC-STAR Workshop on Speech-to-Speech
Translation. June 1921, 2006 Barcelona, Spain, pp 165-169 (.pdf).
Giuliani, F. Brugnara, "Acoustic Model Adaptation with Multiple
Supervisions". In Proceedings of the TC-STAR Workshop on
Speech-to-Speech Translation, Barcelona, Spain, June 2006, pp.
151-154 (.pdf).
Brugnara, D. Falavigna, D. Giuliani, R. Gretter, D. Pineda, G.
Stemmer, "The ITC-irst Transcription Systems for the TC-STAR-06
Evaluation Campaign". In Proceedings of the TC-STAR Workshop
on Speech-to-Speech Translation, Barcelona, Spain, June 2006,
pp. 117-122 (.pdf).
Stemmer, F. Brugnara, D. Giuliani, "Using Simple Target Models
for Adaptive Training". In Proceedings of the International
Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing, Philadelphia,
USA, March 2005, Vol. 1, pp. 997-1000 (.pdf).
Lamel, J.L. Gauvain, G. Adda, C. Barras, E. Bilinski, O. Galibert,
A. Pujol, H. Schwenk, X. Zhu, "The LIMSI 2006 TC-STAR Transcription
Systems". In proceedings of TC-STAR Workshop on Speech-to-Speech
Translation,pp. 123-128, Barcelona, Spain (.pdf).
Dechelotte, H. Schwenk, J.L. Gauvain, "The 2006 LIMSI Statistical
Machine Translation System for TC-STAR". In proceedings of
TC-STAR Workshop on Speech-to-Speech Translation, pp. 25-30, Barcelona,
Spain (.pdf).
Nicolas and Gauvain, Jean-Luc, Lattice Rescoring Experiments with
Duration Models, In proceedings of TC-STAR Workshop on Speech-to-Speech
Translation, pp. 155-158, Barcelona, Spain (.pdf).
Lambert, Jesús Giménez, Marta R. Costa-jussà,
Enrique Amigó, Rafael Banchs, Llúis Màrquez
and J.A. Fonollosa Machine Translation System Development Based
on Human Likeness Accepted for publication in IEEE/ACL 2006 Workshop
on Spoken Language Technology
Mauro; Federico, Marcello. "Text Segmentation Criteria for
Statistical Machine Translation", In /FinTAL - 5th International
Conference on Natural Language Processing/. pp. 664-673. August,
2006. Springer Verlag, LNCS, Turku, Finland. (.pdf)
Boxing; Federico, Marcello. "Improving Phrase-Based Statistical
Translation through Combination of Word Alignment", In /FinTAL
- 5th International Conference on Natural Language Processing/.
pp. 356-367. August, 2006. Springer Verlag, LNCS, Turku, Finland
Gispert, Adria; Gupta, Deepa; Popovic, Maja; Lambert, Patrik;
Marino, Jose B.; Federico, Marcello; Ney, Hermann; Banchs, Rafael.
"Morpho-syntactic Information for Automatic Error Analysis
of Statistical Machine Translation Output". In /FinTAL -
5th International Conference on Natural Language Processing/.
pp. 368-379. August, 2006. Springer Verlag, LNCS, Turku, Finland
Ramabhadran, O. Siohan, L. Mangu, G. Zweig, M. Westphal, H. Schulz,
A. Soneiro, "The IBM 2006 Speech Transcription System for
European Parliamentary Speeches" to appear in ICSLP, Sept.
2006 (.pdf)
Roldano; Bertoldi, Nicola; Cettolo, Mauro; Chen, Boxing; Federico,
Marcello. "A Web-based Interface to a Multi-lingual Phrase-based
Translation System". In /Systems Demonstrations of the ECAI
2006/. August, 2006. Riva del Garda, Italy (.pdf).
Nicola; Cattoni, Roldano; Cettolo, Mauro; Chen, Boxing; Federico,
Marcello. ITC-irst at the 2006 TC-STAR SLT Evaluation Campaign.
In Proceedings of the TC-STAR Workshop on Speech-to-Speech Translation.
pp. 18-24. 2006. Barcelona, Spain (.pdf)
Roldano; Bertoldi, Nicola; Chen, Boxing; Federico, Marcello; Mauro
Cettolo. A Web-based Demonstrator of a Multi-lingual Phrase-based
Translation System. In Proceedings of the 1th Conference of the
European Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics
(EACL), Posters and Demonstrations. pp. 91-94. 2006 (.pdf)
Marcello; Bertoldi, Nicola. How Many Bits Are Needed To Store
Probabilities for Phrase-Based Translation?. In Proceedings on
the Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation. pp. 94-101. June,
2006. Association for Computational Linguistics, New York City
Gupta, Deepa; Federico, Marcello. Exploiting Word Transformation
in Statistical Machine from Spanish to English. In Proceedings
on the 11th conference of the European Association for Machine
Translation. June, 2006. Oslo University, Norway (.pdf)
Vanessa; Federico, Marcello; Cettolo, Mauro. Maximum Entropy Tagging
with Binary and Real-Valued Features.In Proceedings of the Workshop
on Learning Structured Information in Natural Language Applications,
11th Conference of the European Chapter of the Association for
Computational Linguistics (EACL). pp. 1-8. 2006 (.pdf).
Stüker, Christian Fügen, Susanne Burger, Matthias Wölfel,
Cross-System Adaptation and Combination for Continuous Speech
Recognition: The Influence of Phoneme Set and Acoustic Front-End,
To appear in Proc. of the International Conference on Spoken Language
Processing (INTERSPEECH) 2006, Pittsburgh, PA, September 2006
Fügen, Muntsin Kolss, Matthias Paulik, and Alex Waibel, Open
Domain Speech Translation: From Seminars and Speeches to Lectures,
In Proceedings of the TC-STAR Workshop on Speech-to-Speech Translation,
Barcelona, Spain, 2006, ELDA (.pdf).
Stüker, Christian Fügen, Roger Hsiao, Shajith Ikbal,
Qin Jin, Florian Kraft, Matthias Paulik, Martin Raab, Yik-Cheung
Tam, and Matthias Wölfel, The ISL TC-STAR Spring 2006 ASR
Evaluation Systems, Proceedings. of the TC-STAR Workshop on Speech-to-Speech
Translation, Barcelona, Spain, 2006, ELDA (.pdf).
Kolss, Bing Zhao, Stephan Vogel, Almut Silja Hildebrand, Jan Niehues,
Ashish Venugopal, and Ying Zhang, The ISL Statistical Machine
Translation System for the TC-STAR Spring 2006 Evaluation, In
Proceedings of the TC-STAR Workshop on Speech-to-Speech Translation,
Barcelona, Spain, June 2006 (.pdf)
Paulik, Sebastian Stüker, Christian Fügen, Speech Recognition
in Human Mediated Translation Scenarios, In Proceedings of the
13th IEEE Mediterranean Electrotechnical Conference (MELECON),
Malaga, Spain, May 2006 (.pdf)
Eck, Stephan Vogel, and Alex Waibel, A Flexible Online Server
for Machine Translation Evaluation, In Proceedings of the 11th
EAMT Conference, Oslo, Norway, June 2006 (.pdf)
Zollmann and Ashish Venugopal, Syntax Augmented Machine Translation
via Chart Parsing, In Proceedings of the Workshop on Statistical
Machine Translation, New York City, June, 2006 (.pdf)
Gispert, A. and Mariño, J.B., Catalan-English Statistical
Machine Translation without Parallel Corpus: Bridging through
Spanish Proc. of LREC 5th Workshop on Strategies for developing
Machine Translation for Minority Languages (SALTMIL'06), pp. 65-68.
Genova (Italy), May 2006 (.pdf).
J.M., de Gispert, A., Lambert, P., Costa-jussa, M., Khalilov,
M., Banchs, R., Mariño, J.B. and Fonollosa, J.A., N-gram
based SMT system enhanced with reordering patterns, in Proceedings
of the HLT/NAACL Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation,
New York, NY, June 2006 (.ps).
M., Crego, J.M., de Gispert, A., Lambert, P., Khalilov, M., Banchs,
R., Mariño, J.B. and Fonollosa, J.A., TALP phrase-based
statistical translation system for European language pairs, in
Proceedings of the HLT/NAACL Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation,
New York, NY, June 2006 (.pdf).
M.R. and Fonollosa, J.A.R., Statistical Machine Reordering, in
Proceedings of Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing
(EMNLP06), Sydney, July 2006 (.pdf).
J.B., Banchs, R., Crego, J.M., de Gispert, A., Lambert, P., Fonollosa,
J.A., Costa-jussa, M. and Khalilov, M., UPC's bilingual n-gram
translation system, in Proceedings of the TC-Star Workshop on
Speech-to-Speech Translation, pp. 43-48, Barcelona, Spain, June
2006 (.ps).
M.R. and Fonollosa, J.A.R., Sistema de Reordenamiento Estadístico,
Accepted for publication in Proceedings of Sociedad Española
de Procesamiento del Lenguaje Natural, núm 6 (SEPLN'06),
Zaragoza (Spain), Sep 2006 (.pdf).
J.M., Mariño, J.B., Integración de reordenamientos
en el algoritmo de decodificación en traducción
automática estocástica, Accepted for publication
in Proceedings of Sociedad Española de Procesamiento del
Lenguaje Natural, núm 6 (SEPLN'06), Zaragoza (Spain), Sep
2006 (.ps).
Gispert, A., Gupta, D., Popovic, M., Lambert, P., Mariño,
J.B., Federico, M., Ney, H. and Banchs, R., Improving Statistical
Word Alignments with Morpho-syntactic Transformations, Accepted
for publication at FINTAL 2006, August 2006 (.pdf).
Gispert, A. and Mariño, J.B., Linguistic tuple segmentation
in ngram-based statistical machine translation, Accepted for publication
at ICSLP 2006, September 2006 (.pdf).
J.M. and Mariño, J.B., Integration of POStag-based source
reordering into SMT decoding by an extended search graph, Accepted
for publication at 7th biennial conference of the Association
for Machine Translation in the Americas (AMTA'06), Boston (USA),
August 2006 (.ps).
Gispert, A. and Mariño, J.B., Linguistic knowledge in statistical
phrase-based word alignment. Natural Language Engineering, Volume
12, Issue 01, March 2006. pp 91-108. Cambridge University Press
J.B., Banchs, R., Crego, J.M., de Gispert, A., Lambert, P., Fonollosa,
J.A. and Costa-jussa, M., N-gram based machine translation, Accepted
for publication in Computational Linguistics (.pdf).
Adell, P. D. Agüero and A. Bonafonte, “Database Pruning
for Unsupervised Building of Text-to-Speech Voices”. In
Proceedings of the ICASSP 2006, 31st IEEE International Conference
on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing, Toulouse, France,
May 2006.
Adell, A. Bonafonte and D. Escudero, “Disfluent Speech Analysis
and Synthesis: a preliminary approach”. In Proceedings of
the 3th International Conference on Speech Prosody, Dresden, Germany
May 2006.
D. Agüero, J. Adell and A. Bonafonte, “Prosody generation
for Speech-to-Speech Translation”. In Proceedings of the
ICASSP 2006, 31st IEEE International Conference on Acoustics,
Speech, and Signal Processing, Toulouse, France, May 2006.
D. Agüero, J. Adell and A. Bonafonte, “Prosody generation
in the Speech-to-Speech Translation Framework”. In Proceedings
of the 3th International Conference on Speech Prosody 2006. Dresden,
Germany. May 2006.
D. Agüero and A. Bonafonte, “Facing data scarcity using
variable feature vector dimension”. In Proceedings of the
3th International Conference on Speech Prosody 2006. Dresden,
Germany. May 2006.
Bonafonte, H. Höge, I. Kiss, A. Moreno, U. Ziegenhain, H.
van den Heuvel, H.-U. Hain, X.S. Wang, M. N. Garcia, “TC-STAR:
Specifications of Language Resources and Evaluation for Speech
Synthesis”. In Proceedings of the 5th Int. Conf. on Language
Resources and Evaluation (LREC), Genoa, Italy, May 2006.
Dechelotte, H. Schwenk, and J.L. Gauvain, “Transcription
et traduction de debats parlementaires”. In Reconnaissance
des Formes et Intelligence Artificielle, Tours, January 2006 (.pdf).
Duxans and A. Bonafonte, “Residual Conversion versus Prediction
on Voice Morphing Systems”. In Proceedings of the ICASSP
2006, 31st IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech,
and Signal Processing, Toulouse, France, May 2006.
Erro, A. Moreno, “Efficient Speech Synthesis System using
the Deterministic plus Stochastic Model”. In Proceedings
of the 3th International Conference on Speech Prosody 06. Dresden,
Germany. 2006.
Lefevre and J.L. Gauvain, “Discriminant Initialization for
Factor Analyzed HMM Training”. In Proceedings of the ICASSP
2006, 31st IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech,
and Signal Processing, Toulouse, France, May 2006.
Fügen, M. Kolss, D. Bernreuther, M. Paulik, S. Stüker,
S. Vogel, A. Waibel, “Open Domain Speech Recognition &
Translation: Lectures and Speeches”. In Proceedings of the
ICASSP 2006, 31st IEEE International Conference on Acoustics,
Speech, and Signal Processing, Toulouse, France, May 2006 (.pdf)
v. de. Heuvel, K. Choukri, C. Gollan, A. Moreno, D. Mostefa, “TC-STAR:
New language resources for ASR and SST purposes”. In Proceedings
of the Language Resources and Evaluation Conference LREC’06.
Genoa. Italy May 2006.
Hasan, O. Bender, and H. Ney, "Reranking Translation Hypotheses
Using Structural Properties". In Proceedings of the EACL
Workshop on Learning Structured Information in Natural Language
Applications, Trento, Italy, April 2006 (.pdf).
Hoffmeister, T. Klein, R. Schlüter, H. Ney: "Comparison
of System Combination Methods for ASR," presentation given
at TC-Star Open Lab on Speech Translation, Trento, Italy, March/April
2006 (.pdf).
B., H. Höge, I. Kiss, A. Moreno, U. Ziegenhain, H. van den
Heuvel, H.U. Hain, X. S. Wang, M. N. Garcia, “TC-STAR:Specifications
of Language Resources and Evaluation for Speech Synthesis”.
In Proceedings of the Language Resources and Evaluation Conference
LREC’06. Genoa. Italy May 2006.
Höge, B. Kotnik, Z. Kacic, H. R. Pfitzinger, “Evaluation
of Pitch Marking Algorithms“. In Proceedings
of the 7. ITG-Fachtagung Sprachkommunikation, Kiel, Germany,
April 2006.
Khadivi, R. Zens, H. Ney: "Integration of Speech to Computer-Assisted
Translation Using Finite-State Automata," in Proceedings
of the COLING/ACL, Sydney, Australia, pp. 467-474, July 2006 (.pdf).
Kotnik, H. Höge, “Zdravko Kacic, Evaluation of Pitch
Detection Algorithms in Adverse Conditions“. In
Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Speech
Prosody, Dresden, Germany, May 2006.
Lambert, R. Banchs, "Grouping Multi-word Expressions According
to Part-Of-Speech in Statistical Machine Translation", In
Proceedings of the EACL Workshop on "Multi-word expressions
in a multilingual context", Trento, Italy, April 2006 (.ps).
Leppänen, I. Kiss, "Gaussian Selection with Non-Overlapping
Clusters for ASR in Embedded Devices", In
Proceedings of the International Conference on Acoustics,
Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP 2006), Toulouse, France,
May 2006 (.pdf).
Lööf, S. Umesh, H. Ney: "VTLN Warping Factor Estimation
Using Accumulations of Sufficient Statistics," in Proceedings
IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal
Processing, Vol. I, p.
1201-1204, Toulouse, France, May 2006 (.pdf).
Matusov, N. Ueffing and H. Ney: "Computing Consensus Translation
from Multiple Machine Translation Systems Using Enhanced Hypotheses
Alignment," in Proceedings of EACL 2006 (11th Conference
of the European Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics),
pp. 33-40, Trento, Italy, April 2006 (.pdf).
Matusov, R. Zens, D. Vilar, A. Mauser, M. Popovic, H. Ney: "The
RWTH Machine Translation System," in Proceedings of the TC-STAR
Workshop on Speech-to-Speech Translation, p. 31-36, Barcelona,
Spain, June 2006 (.pdf).
Mauser, E. Matusov and H. Ney, "Training a Statistical Machine
Translation System without GIZA++", In Proceedings of LREC
2006, Genova, Italy, May 2006 (pdf.).
Mostefa, O. Hamon, K. Choukri, “Evaluation of Automatic
Speech Recognition and Speech Language Translation within TC-STAR:
Results from the first evaluation campaign”. In
Proceedings of the 5th Int. Conf. on Language Resources
and Evaluation (LREC), Genoa, Italy, May 2006.
Olsen, D. Oria, "Profile based compression of N-Gram language
models". In Proceedings of the International Conference on
Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP 2006), Toulouse,
France, May 2006 (.pdf).
Pérez, A. Bonafonte, H.-U. Hain, E. Keller, S. Breuer and
J. Tian, “ECESS Inter-Module Interface Specification for
Speech Synthesis”. In Proceedings of the Language Resources
and Evaluation Conference LREC’06. Genoa. Italy May 2006.
Popovic, H. Ney, "POS-based Word Reorderings for Statistical
Machine Translation". In Proceedings of the LREC 2006, Genova,
Italy, May 2006 (pdf.).
Popovic: "Improving Word Alignment and Translation Quality
using Morpho-syntactic Information," presentation given at
TC-Star OpenLab on Speech Translation, Trento, Italy, March/April
2006 (.pdf).
Popovic: "Morpho-syntactic Information for Automatic Error
Analysis of Statistical Machine Translation Output," presentation
given at TC-Star OpenLab on Speech Translation, Trento, Italy,
March/April 2006 (.pdf)
Popovic, H. Ney: "Statistical Machine Translation with a
Small Amount of Training Data," in Proceedings of the 5th
LREC SALTMIL Workshop on Minority Languages, pp. 25-29, Genoa,
Italy, May 2006 (.pdf).
Popovic, A. de Gispert, D. Gupta, P. Lambert, H. Ney, J. B. Mariño,
M.Federico and R. Banchs: "Morpho-syntactic Information for
Automatic Error Analysis of Statistical Machine Translation Output,"
in Proceedings of the HLT/NAACL Workshop on Statistical Machine
Translation, New York, NY, June 2006 (.pdf).
Popovic, H. Ney: "Error Analysis of Verb Inflections in Spanish
Translation Output," in Proceedings of the TC-Star Workshop
on Speech-to-Speech Translation, pp. 99-103, Barcelona, Spain,
June 2006 (.pdf).
Sivdas, "Title: Time-frequency averaging of noise compensation
filters for ASR", In Proceedings of the International Conference
on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP 2006), Toulouse,
France, May 2006 (.pdf).
Stemmer and F. Brugnara, "Integration of Heteroscedastic
Linear Discriminant Analysis (HLDA) into Adaptive Training".
In Proceedings of the ICASSP 2006, Toulose, France (.pdf).
Suendermann, H. Hoege, A. Bonafonte, H. Ney, A. Black and S. Narayanan,
"Text-Independent Voice Conversion Based on Unit Selection".
In Proceedings of the ICASSP 2006, 31st IEEE International Conference
on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing, Toulouse, France,
May 2006 (.pdf).
Suendermann, H. Hoege, and T. Fingscheidt, "Breaking a Paradox:
Applying VTLN to Residuals". In Proc. of the 7th Symposium
on Speech Communication of the Information Technology Society,
ITG 2006, Kiel, Germany, April 2006 (.pdf)
Suendermann, H. Hoege, A. Bonafonte, H. Ney, and J. Hirschberg,
"TC-Star: Cross-Language Voice Conversion Revisited".
In Proc. of the TC-Star Workshop 2006, Barcelona, Spain, June
2006 (.pdf)
Suendermann, H. Hoege, A. Bonafonte, H. Ney, and J. Hirschberg,
"Text-Independent Cross-Language Voice Conversion".
In Proc. of the International Conference on Spoken Language Processing,
Interspeech 2006, Pittsburgh, USA, September 2006 (.pdf)
Bonafonte, H. Höge, I. Kiss, A. Moreno, U. Ziegenhain, H.
van den Heuvel, H.-U. Hain, X. S. Wang and M. N. Garcia, "TC-STAR:
Specifications of Language Resources and Evaluation for Speech
Synthesis". In LREC 2006, Proceedings of the 5th International
Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation, Genoa, Italy,
May 2006 (.pdf).
Pérez, Antonio Bonafonte, Horst-Udo Hain, Eric Keller,
Stefan Breuer and Jilei Tian, "ECESS Inter-Module Interface
Specification for Speech Synthesis". In LREC 2006, Proceedings
of the 5th International Conference on Language Resources and
Evaluation, Genoa, Italy, May 2006 (.pdf)
Hain, Jens Racky and Thomas Volk, "The Papageno TTS System".
In Proceedings of the TC-Star Workshop 2006, Barcelona, Spain,
June 2006 (.pdf).
A. Moreno, P. Aguero, A. Bonafonte, “Spanish Synthesis Corpora”.
In Proceedings of the Language Resources and Evaluation Conference
LREC’06. Genoa. Italy May 2006
Vilar, Jia Xu, Luis Fernando D’Haro and Hermann Ney, "Error
Analysis of Statistical Machine Translation Output" In Proceedings
of LREC 2006, Genova, Italy, May 2006 (pdf.).
Zens, H. Ney: "Discriminative Reordering Models for Statistical
Machine Translation," in Human Language Technology Conference
of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational
Linguistics (HLT-NAACL): Proceedings of the Workshop on Statistical
Machine Translation, pp. 55-63, New York City, NY, June 2006 (.pdf)
Zens, H. Ney: "N-gram Posterior Probabilities for Statistical
Machine Translation," in Human Language Technology Conference
of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational
Linguistics (HLT-NAACL): Proceedings of the Workshop on Statistical
Machine Translation, pp. 72-77, New York City, NY, June 2006 (.pdf).
Zollmann, Ashish Venugopal, Stephan Vogel and Alex Waibel. 2006.
The CMU-UKA Syntax Augmented Machine Translation System for
IWSLT-06 . In Proc. of International Workshop on Spoken Language
(IWSLT-06) -- system papers, Kyoto, Japan, 2006 pdf.
Zollmann and Ashish Venugopal. Syntax Augmented Machine
Translation via Chart Parsing with Integrated Language Modelling
. Technical Report, 2006 pdf.
Year 2005
Adda-Decker and L. Lamel, "Do Speech Recognizers Prefer Female
Speakers?". In InterSpeech, Lisbon, September 2005 (.pdf).
Adell and A. Bonafonte, "Comparative study of automatic phone
segmentation methods for tts". In IEEE International Conference
on Acoustic, Speech, and Signal Processing, ICASSP, 2005, Philadelphia,
USA, March 2005 (.pdf)
Allauzen and J.L. Gauvain, "Diachronic Vocabulary Adaptation
for Broadcast News Transcription". In InterSpeech, Lisbon,
September 2005 (.pdf).
Banchs, J.M. Crego, A. de Gispert, P. Lambert, and J.B. Mariño,
"Statistical machine translation of Euparl data by using
bilingual n-grams". In "ACL 2005 Workshop on Building
and Using Parallel Texts, Data-Driven Machine Translation and
Beyond", Ann Arbor, MI, June 2005 (.ps).
Bender, S. Hasan, D. Vilar, R. Zens and H. Ney, "Comparison
of Generation Strategies for Interactive MT". In Proceedings
of the European Association for Machine Translation 10th Annual
Conference (EAMT 2005), Budapest, Hungary, May 2005 (.pdf)
Bertoldi, M. Federico, "A New Decoder for Spoken Language
Translation based on Confusion Networks", In Proceedings
of the Automatic Speech Recognition and Understanding Workshop
(ASRU), San Juan, Puerto Rico, November-December 2005 (.pdf).
Bisani, H. Ney, "Open Vocabulary Speech Recognition with
Flat Hybrid Models". In 9th European Conference on Speech
Communication and Technology (Interspeech 2005), Lisbon, Portugal,
September 2005 (.pdf)
Cettolo, M. Federico, N. Bertoldi, R. Cattoni and B. Chen, "A
look inside the ITC-irst SMT System". In MT Summit Conference,
Phuket, Thailand, September 2005 (.pdf)
Chen, R. Cattoni, N. Bertoldi, M. Cettolo and M. Federico, "The
ITC-irst SMT System for IWSLT-2005". In Proceedings of the
International Workshop Spoken Language Translation (IWSLT), Pittsburgh,
PA, October 2005.(.pdf).
Costa-jussà and J.A.R. Fonollosa, "Tuning a phrase-based
statistical translation system for the IWSLT 2005 Chinese to English
and Arabic to English tasks". In Proceedings of the International
Workshop Spoken Language Translation (IWSLT), Pittsburgh, PA,
October 2005 (.pdf).
Crego, M.R. Costa-jussà, J.B. Mariño and J.A.R.
Fonollosa, "Ngram-based versus Phrase-based Statistical Machine
Translation". In Proceedings of the International Workshop
Spoken Language Translation (IWSLT), Pittsburgh, PA, October 2005
Crego, A. de Gispert and J.B. Mariño, "The TALP Ngram-based
SMT System for IWSLT'05" In Proceedings of the International
Workshop Spoken Language Translation (IWSLT), Pittsburgh, PA,
October 2005 (.pdf).
Crego, J.B. Mariño, and A. de Gispert, "Reordered
search and tuple unfolding for ngram-based SMT". In Machine
Translation Summit X, Pukhet, Thailand, September 2005 (.ps).
Crego, J.B. Mariño, and A. de Gispert, "Algoritmo
de decodificación de traducción automática
estocástica basado en n-gramas". In "XXI Congreso
de la Sociedad Española para el Procesamiento del Lenguaje
Natural (SEPLN'05)", Granada, September 2005 (.pdf).
Crego, J.B. Mariño, and A. de Gispert, "An ngram-based
statistical machine translation decoder". In "Interspeech
2005 - Eurospeech - 9th European Conference on Speech Communication
and Technology", Lisboa, Portugal, September 2005 (.pdf).
Dechelotte, H. Schwenk an Jean-Luc Gauvain, Olivier Galibert,
and Lori Lamel. Investigating Translation of Parliament Speeches.
In Proceeding of IEEE Workshop on Automatic Speech Recognition,
San Juan, Puerto Rico, November 2005 (.pdf)
M. Eck, S. Vogel, and A. Waibel. "Low Cost Portability
for Statistical Machine Translation based on N-Gram Coverage."
In Proc. of the 10th Machine Translation Summit, Phuket, Thailand,
September 13-15, 2005 (.pdf).
M. Eck, S. Vogel, and A. Waibel."Low Cost Portability
for Statistical Machine Translation based on N-gram Frequency
and TF-IDF." In Proc. of the International Workshop on Spoken
Language Translation (IWSLT), Pittsburgh, PA, USA, October 2005
Gerosa, D. Giuliani and F. Brugnara, "Speaker Adaptive Acoustic
Modeling with Mixture of Adult and Children's Speech". In
"Interspeech 2005 - Eurospeech 9th European Conference
on Speech Communication and Technology, Lisboa, Portugal, September
2005 (.pdf).
de Gispert, "Phrase linguistic classification and generalization
for improving statistical machine translation". In "ACL
2005 Students Research Workshop", Ann Arbor, MI, Jun 2005.
de Gispert, J.B. Mariño, and J.M. Crego. Improving statistical
machine translation by classifying and generalizing inflected
verb forms". In "Interspeech 2005 - Eurospeech - 9th
European Conference on Speech Communication and Technology",
Lisboa, Portugal, September 2005 (.pdf)
de Gispert, J.B. Mariño, and J.M. Crego, "Clasificación
y generalización de formas verbales en sistemas de traducción
estocástica". In "XXI Congreso de la Sociedad
Española para el Procesamiento del Lenguaje Natural (SEPLN'05)",
Granada, September 2005 (.pdf).
Ch. Gollan, M. Bisani, S. Kanthak, R. Schlüter and H. Ney,
"Cross Domain Automatic Transcription on the TC-STAR EPPS
Corpus”. In Proceedings of IEEE Interantional Conference
on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP), Philadelphia,
PA, March 2005.
S. Hewavitharana, B. Zhao, A. Silja Hildebrand, M. Eck, C. Hori,
S. Vogel and A. Waibel. "The CMU Statistical Machine Translation
System for IWSLT 2005." In Proc. of the International Workshop
on Spoken Language Translation (IWSLT), Pittsburgh, PA, USA, October
2005 (.pdf).
A.S. Hildebrand, M.
Eck, S. Vogel, and A. Waibel. "Adaptation of the Translation Model
for Statistical Machine Translation Based on Information Retrieval."
In Proc. of the 10th EAMT Conference, Budapest, Hungary, May 30-June
3, 2005 (.pdf).
Hasan and H. Ney, "Clustered Language Models based on Regular
Expressions for SMT" In Proceedings of the European Association
for Machine Translation 10th Annual Conference (EAMT 2005), Budapest,
Hungary, May 2005 (.pdf)
Heigold, W. Macherey, R. Schlueter, H. Ney "Minimum Exact
Word Error Training" In Proceedings of the Automatic Speech
Recognition and Understanding Workshop (ASRU), San Juan, Puerto
Rico, November-December 2005 (.pdf).
Kanthak, D. Vilar, E. Matusov, R. Zens, and H. Ney, "Novel
Reordering Approaches in Phrase-Based Statistical Machine Translation".
In "ACL 2005 Workshop on Building and Using Parallel Texts:
Data-Driven Machine Translation and Beyond", Ann Arbor, Michigan,
June 2005 (.pdf).
Khadivi and H. Ney, "Automatic Filtering of Bilingual Corpora
for Statistical Machine Translation". In NLDB - 10th International
Conference on Applications of Natural Language to Information
Systems, Springer Verlag, Lect. Notes Computer Science, Alicante,
Spain, pp. 263-274, June 2005 (.pdf)
Kocharov, A. Zolnay, R. Schlüter, and H. Ney, "Articulatory
Motivated Acoustic Features for Speech Recognition". Proceedings
of the 9th European Conference on Speech Communication and Technology
(Interspeech 2005), Lisbon, Portugal, September 2005 (.pdf)
W. Köhler, C. Fügen, S. Stüker, and A.Waibel, "Rapid
Porting of ASR-Systems to Mobile Devices". In "Interspeech
2005 - Eurospeech 9th European Conference on Speech Communication
and Technology, Lisboa, Portugal, September 2005" (.pdf)
Lambert and R. Banchs, "Data inferred multi-word expressions
for statistical machine translation". In Machine Translation
Summit X, Pukhet, Thailand, September 2005 (.ps).
Lambert, A. de Gispert, R. Banchs and J. B. Mariño. 2005.
Guidelines for Word Alignment Evaluation and Manual Alignment.
Language Resources and Evaluation, 39 (4) pp. 267-285. Springer.
Lamel and Jean-Luc Gauvain, "Alternate Phone Models for Conversational
Speech". In Proceedings of ICASSP, April 2005 (.pdf).
Lee, "IBM Statistical Machine Translation for Spoken Languages".
In IWSLT 2005 Proceedings, Pittsburgh, PA, USA. October 24-25
Leppanen and I. Kiss, "Comparison of Low Footprint Acoustic
Modeling Techniques for Embedded ASR System". In Interspeech
2005 - Eurospeech 9th European Conference on Speech Communication
and Technology, Lisboa, Portugal, September 2005"(.pdf).
Leusch, N. Ueffing, D. Vilar and H. Ney, "Preprocessing and
Normalization for Automatic Evaluation of Machine Translation".
In "ACL 2005 Workshop on Intrinsic and Extrinsic Evaluation
Measures for MT and/or Summarization", Ann Arbor, Michigan,
June 2005 (.pdf).
Macherey, L. Haferkamp, R. Schlüter, H. Ney, "Investigations
on Error Minimizing Training Criteria for Discriminative Training
in Automatic Speech Recognition". In the 9th European Conference
on Speech Communication and Technology (Interspeech 2005), Lisbon,
Portugal, September 2005 (.pdf)
Mariño, R. Banchs, J.M. Crego, A. de Gispert, P. Lambert,
J.A. Fonollosa, and M. Ruiz, "Modelo estocástico de
traducción basado en n-gramas de tuplas bilingües
y combinación log-lineal de características".
In "XXI Congreso de la Sociedad Española para el Procesamiento
del Lenguaje Natural (SEPLN'05)", Granada, September 2005
Mariño, R. Banchs, J.M. Crego, A. de Gispert, P. Lambert,
J.A. Fonollosa, and M. Ruiz, "Bilingual n-gram statistical
machine translation". In Machine Translation Summit X, Pukhet,
Thailand, September 2005 (.ps).
Matusov, G. Leusch, O. Bender, and H. Ney "Evaluating Machine
Translation Output with Automatic Sentence Segmentation".
In Proceedings of the International Workshop Spoken Language Translation
(IWSLT), Pittsburgh, PA, October 2005 (.pdf).
Matusov, S. Kanthak and H. Ney, "Efficient Statistical Machine
Translation with Constrained Reordering" In Proceedings of
the European Association for Machine Translation 10th Annual Conference
(EAMT 2005), Budapest, Hungary, May 2005 (.pdf)
Matusov, S. Kanthak, H. Ney, "On the Integration of Speech
Recognition and Statistical Machine Translation". Proceedings
of the 9th European Conference on Speech Communication and Technology
(Interspeech 2005), Lisbon, Portugal, September 2005 (.pdf)
Matusov, H. Ney, and R. Schlueter "Phrase-based Translation
of Speech Recognizer Word Lattices Using Loglinear Model Combination"
In Proceedings of the Automatic Speech Recognition and Understanding
Workshop (ASRU), San Juan, Puerto Rico, November-December 2005
Ney, "One decade of Statistical Machine Translation".
In X Machine Translation Summit, Pukhet, Thailand, September 2005
Paulik, C. Fügen, S. Stüker, T. Schultz, T. Schaaf,
and A. Waibel, "Document Driven Machine Translation Enhanced
ASR". In "Interspeech 2005 - Eurospeech 9th European
Conference on Speech Communication and Technology, Lisboa, Portugal,
September 2005" (.pdf)
Paulik, S. Stüker, C. Fügen, T. Schultz, T. Schaaf and
A. Waibel "Speech
translation enhanced automatic speech recognition".
In Automatic Speech Recognition and Understanding Workshop (ASRU),
2005 (.pdf)
Pérez, and A. Bonafonte, "Automatic voice-source parametrization
of natural speech". In "Interspeech 2005 - Eurospeech-
9th European Conference on Speech Communication and Technology",
Lisboa, Portugal, September 2005 (.pdf).
Popovic, H. Ney, "Exploiting Phrasal Lexica and Additional
Morpho-syntactic Language Resources for Statistical Machine Translation
with Scarce Training Data" In Proceedings of the European
Association for Machine Translation 10th Annual Conference (EAMT
2005), Budapest, Hungary, May 2005 (.pdf)
Rojc, P.D. Agüero, A. Bonafonte, and Z. Kacic, "Training
the tilt intonation model using the JEMA methodology". In
"Interspeech 2005 - Eurospeech - 9th European Conference
on Speech Communication and Technology", Lisboa, Portugal,
September 2005 (.pdf).
Ruiz, and J.A. Fonollosa. Improving phrase-based statistical translation
by modifying phrase extraction and including several features.
In "ACL 2005 Workshop on Building and Using Parallel Texts,
Data-Driven Machine Translation and Beyond", Ann Arbor, MI,
June 2005 (.pdf)
Ruiz, and J.A. Fonollosa, "Técnicas mejoradas para
la traducción basada en frases". In "XXI Congreso
de la Sociedad Española para el Procesamiento del Lenguaje
Natural (SEPLN'05)", Granada, September 2005 (.ps).
Quan, M. Federico, M. Cettolo, "Integrated N-best Re-ranking
for Spoken Language Translation''. In "Interspeech 2005 -
Eurospeech - 9th European Conference on Speech Communication and
Technology", Lisboa, Portugal, September 2005 (.pdf)
Schlüter, T. Scharrenbach, V. Steinbiss and H. Ney "Bayes
Risk Minimization using Metric Loss Functions" Proceedings
of the 9th European Conference on Speech Communication and Technology
(Interspeech 2005), Lisbon, Portugal, September 2005 (.pdf)
Schwenk and J.L. Gauvain, "Building Continuous Space Language
Models for Transcribing European Languages". In InterSpeech,
Lisbon, September 2005 (.pdf).
Sündermann, "A Language Resources Generation Toolbox
for Speech Synthesis". In AST 2005, 12th International Workshop
on Advances in Speech Technology, Maribor, Slovenia, July 2005
Sündermann, A. Bonafonte, H. Duxans, and H. Höge,"TC-STAR:
Evaluation Plan for Voice Conversion Technology". In DAGA
2005, 31st German Annual Conference on Acoustics, Munich, Germany,
March 2005 (.pdf).
Sündermann, A.Bonafonte, H. Ney, and H. Höge, "A
Study on Residual Prediction Techniques for Voice Conversion"
In IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal
Pro-cessing, ICASSP'2005, Philadelphia, USA, March 2005 (.pdf).
Sündermann, H. Höge, A. Bonafonte, H. Ney and A. W.
Black, "Residual Prediction Based on Unit Selection".
Proceedings of the Automatic Speech Recognition and Understanding
Workshop (ASRU), Cancun, Mexico, November-December 2005 (.pdf).
Sündermann, G. Strecha, A. Bonafonte, H. Höge and H.
Ney "Evaluation of VTLN-Based Voice Conversion for Embedded
Speech Synthesis". In "Interspeech 2005 - Eurospeech
- 9th European Conference on Speech Communication and Technology",
Lisbon, Portugal, September 2005 (.pdf)
D. Suendermann, H. Hoege, A. Bonafonte, and H. Duxans, "Residual
Prediction". In Proc. of the 5th IEEE International Symposium
on Signal Processing and Information Technology, ISSPIT 2005,
Athens, Greece, December 2005 (.pdf).
Tian, J. Nurminen and I. Kiss, "Duration Modeling and Memory
Optimization in a mandarin TTS system". In Interspeech 2005
- Eurospeech 9th European Conference on Speech Communication
and Technology, Lisboa, Portugal, September 2005"(.pdf)
Ueffing and H. Ney "Word-Level Confidence Estimation for
Machine Translation using Phrase-Based Translation Models".
In Human Language Technology Conference/Conference on Empirical
Methods in Natural Language Processing (HLT/EMNLP 2005), Vancouver,
Canada, October 2005 (.pdf).
Ashish Venugopal, Andreas Zollmann, and Alex Waibel. "Training
and Evaluating Error Minimization Rules for Statistical Machine
Translation." In Proc. of the ACL Workshop on Building and Using
Parallel Texts, Ann Arbor, June 2005 (.pdf)
Vilar, E. Matusov, S. Hasan, R. Zens and H. Ney, "Statistical
Machine Translation of European Parliamentary Speeches".
In proceedings of the X Machine Translation Summit, Pukhet, Thailand,
September 2005 (.pdf)
Xu, E. Matusov, R. Zens, and H. Ney, "Integrated Chinese
Word Segmentation in Statistical Machine Translation". In
Proceedings of the International Workshop on Spoken Language Translation
(IWSLT), Pittsburgh, PA, October 2005 (.pdf).
Xu, R. Zens, and H. Ney, "Sentence Segmentation Using IBM
Word Alignment Model 1". In Proceedings of the European Association
for Machine Translation 10th Annual Conference (EAMT 2005), Budapest,
Hungary, May 2005 (.pdf)
Zens, O. Bender, S. Hasan, S. Khadivi, E. Matusov, J. Xu, Y. Zhang
and H. Ney, "The RWTH Phrase-based Statistical Machine Translation
System". In Proceedings of the International Workshop on
Spoken Language Translation (IWSLT), Pittsburgh, PA, October 2005
Zens, and H. Ney, "Word Graphs for Statistical Machine Translation".
In "ACL 2005 Workshop on Building and Using Parallel Texts,
Data-Driven Machine Translation and Beyond", Ann Arbor, Michigan,
June 2005 (.pdf).
Zolnay, R. Schlüter and H. Ney, “Acoustic Feature Combination
for Robust Speech Recognition”. In Proceeding IEEE International
Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing Philadelphia,
PA, March 2005.
Year 2004
Adell and Antonio Bonafonte and Jon Ander Gómez and María
José Castro "Análisis de la segmentación
automática de fonemas para la síntesis de voz"
in III Jornadas en Tecnologías del Habla, Valencia, Spain,
November 2004 (.pdf)
Adell and A. Bonafonte, "Towards phone segmentation for concatenative
speech synthesis. In 5th ISCA Speech Synthesis Workshop, SSW5, pages
139-144, Pittsburgh, USA, June 2004 (.pdfpdf)
D. Agüero and Antonio Bonafonte "Intonation modeling for
tts using a joint extraction and prediction approach. In 5th ISCA
Speech Synthesis Workshop, SSW5, Pittsburgh, USA, June 2004 (.pdf).
P. D. Agüero and K. Wimmer and A. Bonafonte "Joint extraction
and prediction of fujisaki's intonation model parameters" in
International Conference on Spoken Language Processing, ICSLP 2004,
Jeju Island, South Korea, October 2004 (.pdf)
P. D. Agüero and Antonio Bonafonte "Intonation modeling
using a joint extraction and prediction approach". In Processing
of the AST 2004, 11th International Workshop on Advances in Speech
Technology, Maribor, Slovenia, July 2004 (.pdf)
Bonafonte and P. D. Agüero "Phrase break prediction using
a finite state transducer". In AST 2004, 11th International
Workshop on Advances in Speech Technology, Maribor, Slovenia, July
2004 (.pdf).
Chen, J.L. Gauvain, L. Lamel, G. Adda, "Dynamic Language Modeling
for Broadcast News". In ICSLP'04, Jeju, Korea, Oct 2004 (.pdf
M. Crego and José B. Mariño and A. de Gispert "Finitestate-based
and phrase-based statistical mahine translation". In ICSLP
'04, Jeju Island, South Korea, October 2004 (.pdf)
Duxans and A. Bonafonte and A. Kain and J. van Santen "Including
dynamic and phonetic information in voice conversion systems".
In International Conference on Spoken Language Pro-cessing , ICSLP
2004, Jeju Island, South Korea, October 2004 (.pdf).
Duxans and A. Bonafonte and A. Kain and J. van Santen "Including
dynamic information in voice conversion systems". In XX Congreso
de la Sociedad Española para el Procesamiento del Lenguaje
Natural, SEPLN 2004, Barcelona, Spain, July 2004 (.pdf).
M. Eck, S. Vogel, and A. Waibel. "Language Model Adaptation for
Statistical Machine Translation based on Information Retrieval."
4th International Conf. on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC),
Lisbon, Portugal, May 26-28, 2004 (.pdf)
A. de Gispert and J. B. Mariño, "Xgram-based spoken
language translation system". In Internacional Work-shop on
Spoken Language Translation, Kyoto, Japon, September 2004 (.pdf)
de Gispert and J. B. Mariño and J. M. Crego, "Phrase-based
alignment combining corpus cooccurrences and linguistic knowledge".
In Proceedings of the Internacional Workshop on Spoken Language
Translation, Kyoto, Japon, September 2004 (.pdf).
Lazzari and A. Waibel and C. Zong, "Worldwide Ongoing Activities
On Multilingual Speech to Speech Translation". In Interspeech
2004 - ICSLP,
International Conference on Spoken Language Processing, Special
Session: Multi-lingual speech-to-speech translation, Jeju Island,
Korea, 4-8 October 2004 (doc).
Lahti, "Beginning of Utterance Detection Algorithm for low
Complexity ASR Engines". In International Conference on Spoken
Language Pro-cessing, ICSLP 2004, Jeju Island, South Korea, October
2004 (.pdf).
Lee and S. Roukos, “ IBM Spoken Language Translation System
Evaluation”. In IWSLT 2004, pages 39−46, September 30−October
1, 2005. Kyoto, Japan (.pdf)
J. Reichert and A. Waibel, "The ISL EDTRL System". In
IWSLT 2004, Kyoto, Japan (.pdf).
M. Ruiz Costa-jussa, J.L. Gauvain, and O.Galibert, "Normalizacion
de textos y seleccion del vocabulario para estimar el modelo de
lenguaje de un sistema de transcripcion de noticias". In III
Jornadas en Tecnologia del Habla, Valencia, November 2004
H. Schwenk and J.L. Gauvain, "Neural Network Language Models
for Conversational Speech Recognition". In ICSLP'04, Jeju,
Korea, October 2004 (.pdf)
H. Schwenk, "Efficient Training of Large Neural Networks for
Language Modeling". In IEEE joint conference on neural networks,
Budapest, August 2004 (.pdf).
H. Schwenk and J.L. Gauvain, "Using neural network language
models for LVCSR". In DARPA RT04 workshop, Palisades, NY, November
7-10, 2004 (.pdf).
Sündermann, A. Bonafonte, H. Ney, and H. Höge, "Time
Domain Vocal Tract Length Normalization". In ISSPIT 2004, 4th
IEEE International Symposium on Signal Processing and Information
Technology, Rome, Italy, December 2004 (.pdf).
Sundermann, Antonio Bonafonte, Frequency Domain vs: Time Domain
VTLNIn Processing of the AST 2004, 11th International Workshop on
Advances in Speech Technology, Maribor, Slovenia, July 2004 (.pdf).
Sündermann, A.Bonafonte, H. Ney, and H. Höge, "A
first step towards text-independent voice conversion". In International
Conference on Spoken Language Processing, ICSLP 2004, Jeju Island,
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