World Wide Evaluation Activities

IWSLT 2006 International Workshop on Spoken Language Translation 2006
November 30 - December 1, 2006, ATR Spoken Language Communications Research Laboratories, Keihanna Science City, Kyoto 619-0288, Japan

NIST 2006 Machine Translation Evaluation
July 24-28, 2006, Baltimore/Washington area.

NAACL 2006 Workshop on statistical machine translation
June 8, 2006, Brooklyn, New York.

NIST Machine Translation Evaluation
June 20-21, 2005, Baltimore/Washington D.C.

TC-STAR Evaluation Workshop on Speech Synthesis
September 20-22, 2005, Kraków.

HTRDP Evaluation on Chinese Information Processing and Intelligent Human-Machine Interface Technology.
September 20-22, 2005, Institute of Computing Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences.
Beijing 100080, China

IWSLT 2005 International Workshop on Spoken Language Translation 2005
October 24-25, 2005, Pittsburgh, PA